[Self-Expression] What happens when you stop writing copy for 3 months?

Al-Nor Ibrahim
3 min readJul 22, 2023

You’ll become perfectionist.

You’ll sense that greedy perfectionist inside you creeping out in every words you type.

You’ll write slower than usual because you don’t wanna make mistakes. (You’re on your own high horse)

You’ll over complicate writing… you can’t even finish the first draft.

You’ll reminisce that first, fast, ferocious dude (or gal) who free writes and break the rules.

You’ll overthink the editing part…

(Ow, did I confuse the readers? Is it too wordy? Did I even connect to their pains, wants, needs? Am I talking to the right market? Hitting the right marketing goal? Do my ideas make sense? Am I persuasive enoughhhhh?)

…sometimes, before you even touch the keyboard.

See, you’ll make bunch of errors in phrasing, grammars, and flow, and probably write dumb sentences that makes no sense…

When you start… you’ll hit ‘backspace’ persistently… check Google if you use the right words or not… only to be disappointed with what you wrote at last.

You might not publish your 1st draft… (unlike before when you started, you literally publish and edit along the way)

Yet you know that if you don’t write, you’ll be stuck in the same loop you’re in before you started copywriting.

You thought you hold back to avoid misery… only to put yourself in that ‘writers-who-don’t-write’ cast again.

All because of the crippling doubts about your *rusty* skill and fear of being judge.

It’s okay. It’s part of the game.

Yet what if you turn the table around, indoctrinate yourself to humiliation, and allow your writing to suck?

Would you still be afraid if you’re free to write whatever you want?

I don’t think so… no?

Whether you like it or not, copywriting is a process.

It’s never about how much you’ve wrote 3 months, 6 months, or a year ago.

It’s what you write now. Always NOW.

If you’re dumbstruck by the complexity of writing copy that sells… do remember that copy starts from ONE word… then one sentence, then 3 sentences, then one short ad, then one email, and… you know the drill.

You can’t write copy studying concepts all day or performing research for weeks. In fact, copywriter should do the opposite.

Go out there, publish something, take risks.

Your future self will thank you later ’cause one dumb copy can lead to a good one, then to a smart one... until you hear that *ping* in your head and produce great copy again. :)

P.S. O-keyyy, I probably misused lots of phrases and sentences here, plus some flow errors… part of the deal though.

Nothing could go wrong with one draft copy when you do it for yourself. (‘Course, never do this for clients. I warned you, silly!)

NOTE: I originally created this last June 2021. Anxious, never published it but I’m changing things now.

You can see the excruciating pain behind every copywriter’s dream to create a perfect pitch that sells.

Something ‘writers’ who only write with Chat-GPT won’t experience until they sit with paper and pen, and write until they bleed.

Nothing against the use of AI. In fact, I’m learning to use it nowadays.

I just find the old-school process delightful itself.

